My Personal Information


I've been a postdoctoral researcher for the last few years in the Institute of Radiology and Oncology at University of Sao Paulo in Sao Paulo, Brazil working with Drs. Maria Otaduy and Claudia Leite. The aim of my research is to develop and translate quantitative MRI perfusion methods into our local clinics to improve patient care, specifically using non-invasive techniques. To do so, I'm focusing on the application of ASL and IVIM methods to measure cerebral blood flow, arterial transit times, and water exchange across the blood brain barrier in multiple sclerosis patients. I received my Ph.D. in Medical Physics under the supervision of Drs. Renata Leoni and Fernando Paiva at the Physics Department of the University of Sao Paulo. I also have my bachelor's degree in physics from the same university. During my doctoral, I also spent an exchange period at the Leiden University Medical Center working with Dr. Matthias van Osch working in the evaluation of SNR and blurring degree for segmented 3D GRASE readout combined with time-encoded ASL

Research interests

My research focuses on developing non-invasive quantitative MRI perfusion techniques and its translation toward clinical applications in brain imaging of several patients population (e.g. multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica and glioma), with emphasis on arterial spin labeling (ASL) and intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) methods. In summary, my currently research interests are:

- Arterial Spin Labeling.
- MRI pulse programming.
- Neurological and neurovascular diseases.
- Intravoxel Incoherent Motion.

Secondary, I also have experience and current collaboration projects including diffusion and functional MRI, as well as past experience in T1 relaxation maps.

Background and Experience

  1. B.Sc., Physics and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Sao Paulo - Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil
  2. M.Sc., Applied Physics, Physics Institute of Sao Carlos, University of Sao Paulo - Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil
  3. Ph.D., Physics Applied to Medicine and Biology, Physics Department, University of Sao Paulo - Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil
  1. 2020 - 2021: Postdoctoral researcher - Medical School of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil
  2. 2021 - present: Postdoctoral researcher - Institute of Radiology, Medical School of University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
  3. 2020 - present: Lead of Task Force 6.1 of the Open Science Initiative for Perfusion Imaging (OSIPI)


  • 2021: Honorable mention - CAPES Thesis Award
  • 2019: Travel Stipend Award for the 2019 OHBM Annual Meeting in Rome, Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
  • Expertises